What is energy metabolism? How do you increase you?Join us for part two of a rousing discussion of life, energy, and how the cosmos affects us. Teresa Campos will continue her discussion...
Is Wellness Written in the Stars?Whether or not you have an undying belief in astrology, I know you’re interested in it – everybody is. But just what is astrology? Is it a s
Don't Just Survive - Thrive!Survival ... it’s not rocket science, but being educated and motivated by a career in the aerospace and defense industries can’t hurt....
Meet Mermaid Medic, Spike Bywater and Float to FreedomSpike the Mermaid Says...”Imagine a Thai massage mixed up in a yoga session dancing in water as dolphins and mermaids.” She goes by SPIKE...
Dr. Red Says: There's Mayday and there's MAYDAY! Need an Angel on your shoulder?You don’t have to be super religious to believe in Angels. The evidence is everywhere. Melanie Beckler is one of the rare human beings...