About Dr. Sarah Young
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The "Dr. Red Says Show" is all about education, motivation, and -- of course – technology. We want to empower you to make your life better !
Remember: what you believe ... you can achieve.
About Dr. Sarah M. Young "Dr. Red"
An internationally recognized print and broadcast journalist, seminar speaker, disabled advocate and therapist, Dr. Young is familiar to San Diego and followers worldwide. Her first love, however, is empowerment education and advocacy. "Dr. Sarah" has performed on television and radio since she was seven years old, but San Diego knows her best as the host of “The Mind, Body and Spirit Show” on KCEO Radio, AM 1000.
Past shows have featured Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Richard Bandler, various experts in allopathic medicine and rehabilitation, and many more innovators in the field of mind-body integration and wellness. As an adjunct to the show, she also attends health Expos, seminars and educational events dealing with well-being. Having survived numerous disabilities including brain cancer, paralysis and temporary blindness, Dr. Sarah combines her love of communication and education with compassion and experience in the health field. These have led to some interesting sidelights: Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, Advanced meditation practitioner, etc.
Her community work is known through out the world. She founded the organization: DISCS (Disabled Individuals Suggesting Computer Solutions); joined The Disabled Businesspersons’ Association; LEAD San Diego (Leadership, Education, Awareness and Development) Miramar College CAC; Mira Mesa High School Business Partnership; Healthy Start/Mira Mesa; Citizens Health Coalition; Mira Mesa Town Council (President/2003); MCAS Miramar Community Leaders Forum; SDCLC (San Diego Community Leaders Council (a coalition of various Town Council Presidents/Vice Presidents); CEOC (Citizens Equal Opportunity Commission); CRC (Citizen’s Review Committee on Disabilities), City Attorney's Advisory Committee on Disabilities, earned her second doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and founded The So Brave Foundation (for active-duty and veterans with PTSD and TBI). Dr. Sarah was a board member of Business Exchange Club of San Diego and the San Diego Republican Businesswomen (SDRB) as well as MENSA, National Association of Female Executives, Professional Women's Roundtable, the Association of Bariatric Surgeons and American Hypnosis Association, and National Association of University Women. Her most recent volunteer positions have been for United Veterans Council – San Diego Veterans Day parade, and President of Blue Star Mothers of Greater San Diego.
Her position as Chairperson of the American Cancer Society Mira Mesa Relay For Life has led to her membership in the ACS Action Network, a cancer advocacy group. She has also been selected to be the Border Region Representative to OVAC (One Voice against Cancer -- a gathering of health advocacy organizations nationwide to meet with members of Congress on cancer related issues) and as a Border Region Representative to Celebration on the Hill, a demonstration of the American Cancer Society's signature event, Relay For Life for Capitol Hill legislators. She has also accepted a volunteer position helping to manage the group, StuntsAbility, an organization that trains and helps obtain employment for disabled stunt people in the entertainment field and a role as mentor in the DBA-sponsored Youth Entrepreneurial Program. She is currently volunteering with and taking sailing lessons from Challenged America, a phenomenal free sailing program for persons with disabilities.
Published in eight countries, Dr. Young has written cover stories and features for The Bangkok Post, Asia Magazine, The Jakarta post, American Express Magazine, Expressions Magazine, The Online Times, Living Better Magazine, California Women (where she was copy editor) and many others.
Recent awards have included America's Remarkable Women (2002), City of San Diego Park & Rec Stuart Glassman Award (2002), Friends of Park & Rec (2003), ACS Spirit Award, America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals (2003), Certificates of appreciation ... SD City Disability Services, Business Exchange Club of San Diego (2004). She received the "Oprah Winfrey Up From Her Bootstraps" Award from San Diego Women, Inc., was inducted into the Who's Who of Poetry with the publication of her work in The Best Poets and Poems of 2006 and a subsequent selection for recording on CD. Her work has been selected for publication by Laureate Press, London, 2006, 2nd Place Mixed Media in CA-Diego Paralyzed Veterans Art Show, and she has been tapped as an American Poetry Ambassador, 2006-2009.
and more ...
Offices held: President, Blue Star Mothers of Greater San Diego, 2011;
National Secretary,
Big Dipper Auxiliary Of Blue Star Mothers of America,
2012; Newsletter Editor, Golden Triangle Republican Women Federated, 2012.
Certifications: NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) Practitioner, Hypnosis for Weight Loss, Hypnosis for Pain Management, Hypnosis for Pre-and Post-Surgery, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Beginning and Advanced, American Board of NLP; American Board of Hypnosis.
Please contact Dr. Young for a list of events and organizations that have not been added to this list yet.